Stay with a Palestinian Host Family: Thousands of people travel to Israel and Palestine every year, but if you want to experience everything that the West Bank has to offer, there are few better ways to do so than by staying with a Palestinian host family.

While staying with a Palestinian host family, you will have the opportunity to experience Palestinian culture in a way that few others will get to do. In this way, you will experience Palestine the way Palestinians do. With limited opportunities for travel themselves, Palestinians are often eager to meet visitors from overseas and to share something of their own culture with them. Why not see the real Palestine by staying with a Palestinian host family?

Why Choose A Home Stay?

Palestinian culture is rich and diverse, having influenced and been influenced by numerous empires throughout history. Today, Palestine continues to play a major role in the life and politics of the Middle East and the world at large. For students of history, political science, anthropology or Arabic, or for anyone with an interest in Palestinian culture and society, staying with a host family will greatly expand their knowledge of these topics. In summary, a homestay is a great way to immerse yourself in Palestinian culture!

Salam Palestine runs a range of volunteer and educational programs, with topics as varied as Arabic language courses, medicine and healthcare, music and the arts, Palestinian culture, research and fieldwork, English language classes for Palestinians, women’s and children’s rights or media and journalism. In addition to opening a door to Palestine for international participants, these programs also allow Palestinians to connect with people from all over the world. As part of their program, volunteers, interns and students are allowed to live with a Palestinian host family and to enroll in complimentary Arabic classes.

If you are not interested in enrolling in any of the aforementioned programs, the Home Stay in Palestine Program should satisfy your explorer’s spirit, as it will allow you to learn about Palestinian culture through the lens of the daily life of a Palestinian family. During their stay, participants will have the opportunity to travel throughout the West Bank while enhancing their Arabic language skills, therefore becoming completely immersed in the local culture. The Palestinian family that you will be staying with will be eager to meet visitors like you! 

Living The Arabic Language

When traveling abroad for extended periods of time, many people end up “living the Arabic language”, meaning that they begin to learn the local language purely through assimilation. This also holds true when staying with a host family, as the family’s limited English means that participants will be  putting the Arabic that they have been learning into practice. 

By choosing a home stay in Hebron, participants will get to experience the local dialect of Arabic. They will, for example, get to learn colloquial phrases that they would almost never come across in a classroom. These kinds of phrases abound in the daily life and customs of Palestinians, and are used continuously in various situations.  The word which means “thank you” in Arabic, for instance,  may be used in one interaction to offer gratitude, while in another may mean “no” when declining an offer. 

For those who have already learned Arabic through formal education, this program would be an ideal opportunity to exercise their Arabic skills. Not only will you be speaking Arabic when out and about, but you will also be using it in the home. By staying with a Palestinian host family, students of Arabic will become more comfortable and competent when using the language. This may be while traveling, shopping or conversing with locals, and will ultimately see you articulating your own thoughts and opinions in Arabic. Staying with a Palestinian host family is one of the most enjoyable ways to become a seasoned Arabic speaker! 

Becoming Rooted In Hebron

Salam Palestine prides itself on its community ties and connections in Hebron. These connections make our Center’s mission possible; without them, we would not be able to connect people with the local NGOs, businesses and charity organizations with which we routinely collaborate. 

When on a home stay in Palestine, participants will be invited to come along on Center-led excursions in Hebron. These excursions are part of the Center’s efforts to connect visitors with local Palestinians while allowing them to view the country from a more intimate historical, cultural, societal and political standpoint. Site visits can include national parks, historical sites, refugee camps, local law firms, universities, NGOs, government offices, restaurants and much more! 

Those who reside with host families will often be invited to take part in family events, dinners and celebrations. Palestinians are famed for their hospitality, and as their guest you will be shown immeasurable kindness and warmth. For many first-time visitors to Palestine, Palestinian generosity is one of the things that they find most endearing, and this holds especially true when in a home setting. Hospitality is a cornerstone of Palestinian culture, and without it a host is not considered to be living up to expectations. 

As a guest in a Palestinian home, you will also have the opportunity to connect with local Palestinians outside of your immediate host family’s circle. On Fridays, for instance, families often invite guests, friends and neighbors around for evening meals. These occasions will provide participants with plenty of opportunities for meeting and connecting with new people while also practicing their Arabic. 

How Do We Choose Our Host Families? 

Because of our deep connections with the local community of Hebron, the Center is acquainted with many Palestinian families who are now firmly rooted in our homestay program. Every host family selected by the Center has been thoroughly vetted and interviewed to ensure that their overall ability to care for and welcome their guests to Hebron has been well-established. Most families have been participating in our programs for years and are therefore trusted members of the community. 

Benefits Of Staying With A Palestinian Host Family:

  • Become acquainted with Palestinian daily life
  • Experience full Arabic language immersion 
  • Travel through the West Bank while being based in Hebron
  • Explore Hebron’s many sites through Center-led excursions
  • Experience the warmth and hospitality of a Palestinian family

Previous Home Stay Experiences 

Below are some stories from volunteers, interns and students who have stayed with a host family during their time in Palestine. Read about their experiences to see if residing with a Palestinian host family is right for you!  

Alexa, USA:

“My host mother is so sweet and loving. She is constantly telling me that she has five daughters but that now I am her sixth.”

Irene, Spain:

“The best thing about living with a host family is all the nice moments you share together with them. I love how sometimes when I stay up reading in my room late at night, my host family comes up and gives me a cup of tea; it’s very sweet. Only one person in my family speaks English so I also get a lot of chances to practice my Arabic and since I participate in their daily routines, I get to learn a lot of Arabic phrases that I might not have learned in a classroom setting.”

Maud, France:

“When I arrived in Hebron and was introduced to my new family, I could see on their faces that it was an honor for them to host me. Both parents and their two sons, Laith and Moisa (15 and 16 years old) made me feel instantly at home. I also was immediately involved in their daily life. I never felt that I was disturbing them, and their generosity was unbounded, as they kept telling me how happy they are to have me in their home. The youngest son was only too willing to show me how to use the public transportation to Salam Palestine, whilst the eldest son acts as the family translator. My host mother has taught me how to make several traditional Palestinian dishes and my host father insisted on buying me new clothes, just as he does for his sons for the celebration of Eid.”

When exploring an unfamiliar place, learning a new language, and experiencing a foreign culture for the first time, it can be reassuring to be able to go back to a comfortable and welcoming environment every evening. Additionally, your host family is there for you should you have any questions or need assistance with anything, and we at the Center will also be available to support you.  

Sites To See

Palestine is home to many world-famous historical and cultural sites. Also known as the Holy Land of the three Abrahamic religions of Christianity, Judaism and Islam, this landscape plays host to many settings of religious significance. 

Many people who have grown up in the Judeo-Christian tradition are familiar with the city of Bethlehem and would be excited at the prospect of visiting the Church of the Nativity, so called as it is believed to be the exact spot where Jesus was born. Jerusalem is home to the beautiful and world-renowned Dome of the Rock which sits within the Al Aqsa compound along with the Al Aqsa Mosque, the third holiest site in Islam. Just adjacent to the mosque is the Western Wall, the holiest site in Judaism and all that remains of the Second Temple. And finally, we have the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, which sits not far from the Temple Mount and is believed to be the site of Jesus’ crucifixion. 

However, you need not even leave Hebron to find important religious and historical sites. Right here in the Old City is the Ibrahimi Mosque, which is believed to hold the remains of the prophet Ibrahim (or Abraham) and his wife Sarah, and therefore carries religious significance for both Jews and Muslims. It is also of huge historical and political significance to Palestinians, as it was the site of a large-scale massacre against Palestinian Muslims during predawn prayers in 1994. 

The Center operates regular group excursions into Hebron and other cities within the West Bank in order to give visitors a better idea of what life is like in Palestine. We regularly visit the local TV station headquarters, for instance, as well as news outlets, universities, law offices, refugee camps and religious and historical sites. It is also likely that host families will invite their guests to various festivities such as weddings and cultural events! 

Things To Keep In Mind


Even though Palestinian host families that are partnered with Salam Palestine are not obliged to provide regular meals, program participants often find that their hosts will offer them food on the evenings and weekends. It is unusual in Palestinian culture to refuse food unless you have specific dietary restrictions. When staying with a Palestinian host family, be prepared to explore the diverse and wonderful world of Palestinian cuisine and food culture. If you are not planning to return home until late in the evening, it is normal practice to inform your host family ahead of time as a place at the table may have been set for you.

Palestinian culture is also famed for its hospitality, and this is especially true in a family environment. As the mark of a good host, families will offer a plentiful supply of food, coffee and tea to their guests in an effort to make them feel welcome. If the amount of food and drink being offered becomes overwhelming at any time, the polite response is to say “Alhamdulillah,” which means “praise be to God”. The phrase is used in this specific instance to politely compliment the meal while also expressing your inability to eat anything further. All in all, as a guest in a Palestinian home be prepared to eat a lot. 

Dietary Requirements

Meat is a staple of Palestinian cuisine and the vast majority of Palestinians enjoy meat and other animal-sourced products on a daily basis. Vegetarians and vegans should therefore let us at Salam Palestine know of their dietary requirements ahead of their visit.

 Palestinian families will have no problem accommodating your dietary requirements if informed ahead of time. For those who abstain from meat, please make sure to confirm that you do not eat fish either, as in Palestinian culture, fish and other types of seafood are not viewed as meat. 

Palestinian Generosity

Generosity, especially towards guests, is a cornerstone of Palestinian culture. Even if food is scarce, Palestinians will still extend an invitation to you. As a guest of a Palestinian household, it is considered polite to accept this offering. 

In turn, we recommend that participants bring gifts for their host families; items from back home are always valued and appreciated. In this way, families will be encouraged to share more aspects of their life with you, which is always a sign of a good cultural exchange. 

Be Respectful Of House Rules

Palestinian host families are patient teachers so you will learn house rules quickly. If you are ever in doubt about anything – whether it be meal times, how to operate the washing machine or the time you are expected to be home by – please do not hesitate to ask. Palestinians will always try to accommodate all of their guests needs. 

It is important that you have the contact information of at least one household member, and that they in turn have yours. You should always confirm with your host family when you intend to invite a friend over for coffee or dinner, and female participants in particular should inform their host families if they are intending to return home later than usual. 

Events And Gatherings

It is not uncommon for guests of host families to be invited to events and celebratory occasions while in Palestine. On Fridays, especially, families often invite friends and loved ones over for large meals. Be prepared to eat plenty of Maqluba, Mansaf, Musakhan and other traditional dishes during your stay. 

Dress Appropriately

Salam Palestine advises participants to be mindful of the culture and customs of the country in which you will be staying. Palestine is a Muslim-majority country, and as such the style of dress is quite modest. 

Hebron is regarded as the most conservative city within the West Bank, and therefore both male and female participants should bear in mind that clothing which is appropriate in other countries may not be so here. 

Out And About

Men should refrain from wearing shorts and tank tops, however short-sleeved shirts are fine as long as they cover the shoulders. Women, on the other hand, should refrain from wearing short-sleeved shirts, making sure that their arms and legs are covered down to their ankles. 

Cleavage or any low-cut tops are unacceptable, though this may be easily remedied by pairing your favorite camisole with an undershirt or scarf. While it is common in Western countries for women to wear leggings, skin-tight clothing such as Lycra leggings should not be worn. 

At Home

Participants should  be aware of fluctuating temperatures and changeable weather in this region. Cities like Hebron and Jerusalem are at a high elevation, making them susceptible to some snowfall during the winter. 

Even though it is located in the Eastern Mediterranean, temperatures during the fall and winter in Palestine can drop to 3˚C (about 38˚F), with wind and rain continuing into the early springtime. Houses in this part of the world are not normally insulated, and because they are mainly built using concrete, it can become quite cold inside even on warm, sunny days. Therefore it is best to consider the season in which you will be traveling, and to pack warm clothing if necessary. 

When walking through the family’s home, it is best to wear clothing that is not revealing or body-hugging. Loose-fitting pajama pants and a bulky sweater would be the most appropriate, both in terms of climate and culture.

Traveling To Hebron

Reaching the Center can entail a lot of traveling, but it need not be arduous. Although there are some obstacles to be overcome when traveling to Hebron, Salam Palestine has compiled a list of the resources you will need in order to reach us in an efficient, safe and practical manner. Please read our articles below on planning your trip, flying to Palestine, the different routes to Hebron and on Israeli and Palestinian taxi services: 

If you have any further inquiries about travel to Palestine, please do not hesitate to reach out to our team. Our contact information can be found at the bottom of this page. 

Who Can Participate?

Salam Palestine does not discriminate on any basis; this includes nationality, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or any other basis. We have a long history of welcoming people from around the globe, from all walks of life, and all backgrounds and identities. All are welcome!

Previous participants on our programs have hailed from the following countries: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States! 

Are There Any Criteria For Participants? 

There are only 3 criteria for participants, the first being conversational fluency in either of the program languages (English or Arabic). Secondly, participants should be between the ages of 18 and 70, although exceptions can be made in special circumstances. And finally, we ask participants to have a positive attitude and an eagerness to learn. 

Participant Requirements

  • Colloquial fluency in English and/or Arabic 
  • 18-70 years of age (unless granted special permission by the Center’s director) 
  • A positive attitude and an eagerness to learn

Program Costs And Components

Program LocationHebron, Palestine 
Home Stay Fees30 Euros per night
Age Limit18-70 years old
Program FocusStay with a Palestinian host family
Home Stay in Hebron, Palestine
Minimum Duration1 day
Maximum Duration4 weeks
Arabic Lessons Per Week3 hours in total
Start/End DatesFlexible to fit participant’s schedule
Application DeadlineNo Deadline

Program Reviews 

Since 2011, Salam Palestine has welcomed individuals from 40 different countries! While we continue to develop our programs to provide the best possible learning experience, the Center’s fundamental mission remains the same: to connect, teach, and advance individuals within the local and international community. In 2019, we received our first “Go Overseas” Community Choice Award, recognizing Salam Palestine’s meaningful and unforgettable impact on international travelers. 

Salam Palestine is renowned for its cultural immersion, friendly staff and atmosphere, and its commitment to dispelling misconceptions about Palestine and Palestinians. If you are interested in the culture of Palestine and would like to visit the West Bank, please read our program reviews and testimonials to see if Salam Palestine is the right organization for you:


Residing with a Palestinian host family in Hebron can be a rewarding and eye-opening experience, as participants will experience the life, culture, and customs of another country intimately and uniquely. 

Staying with a host family will also help participants to better understand the Palestinian way of life, and the close connection Palestinians have to their homeland. If this level of cultural and linguistic immersion sounds good to you, do not hesitate to reach out to us! 

How to Apply

If you are interested in host family accommodation in Hebron, please, write to us at We should be able to respond to your initial inquiry within 1-3 business days.

In the subject line of your email write “Home Stay in Hebron.” Upon responding we will attach an application form which you can then fill out and return to us to begin the process.