Travelling As A Woman In The West Bank: Travelling is incredibly rewarding and it offers the opportunity to experience something new and exciting. Sometimes we need to step out of our comfort zone, challenge ourselves, take the path less travelled and enjoy the journey!

Travel Offers Many Opportunities

Travel offers the opportunity to grow, both personally and professionally and for many people who travel, they find that they can achieve something that they previously thought impossible. Women travellers are generally familiar with the reality that there are often a few more things to consider when traveling abroad. A completely new culture may make traveling to a place like Palestine a bit more daunting for some women.  We hope that this article will help to explain what female travellers can expect when moving around in the West Bank.  

A Different Setting, But No Need To Worry

Many female travellers are unsure of what to anticipate in terms of safety while travelling to Palestine. Of course, it is a different setting than many of our female volunteers and students are accustomed to, but there’s no need to be frightened. As a woman planning to travel and study in Palestine or abroad, there are a few additional factors to consider. 

Lots of women have gone alone to Hebron, West Bank in Palestine in the past and Salam Palestine has never suffered gender-based violence.

Feel At Home With A Palestinian Host Family

We host many female volunteers and Arabic language students at Salam Palestine in Hebron, Palestine. Our female volunteers, interns and Arabic students stay with a Palestinian host family, usually spending the evenings and sharing dinnertime with their host family.

Your Palestinian host family will take care of you and support you if you need anything during your stay. You might find that in some families, the older members don’t speak any English. However their children generally have some English language skills and are keen to engage in language practice with visitors. This means that it is usually easy to communicate with the parents through their children.

Hebron Is A Lively Yet Conservative City

You will realize that Al Khalil (Hebron) is a very lively city with a plethora of exciting things to see and do. There are plenty of cafes, restaurants, shops and stalls to explore. It is home to the Hirbawi textile factory, the only remaining keffiyeh producing factory in Palestine. You can also find glass and pottery making factories in Hebron, you may even be lucky enough to watch the craftsmen at work.                 

The youth of Hebron are very well-informed, politically active and usually keen to engage with foreigners. Khalil also features different organizations with young local volunteers who are actively participating in shaping their society.

It is important to remember that Hebron is a relatively conservative city and the main religion is Islam. Men and women tend to socialize separately. Modest clothing is expected, particularly for women and local customs should be adhered to.

Points To Consider

Women travellers to the West Bank, Palestine are typically aware that there are frequently a few extra things to consider while travelling overseas. Some women may find it more difficult to go to a location like Palestine because they are unfamiliar with the culture. It is sensible to do a little research about the local customs and culture before you travel.

This will mean that you have some knowledge of the way things are done in Hebron and an understanding of what is considered to be appropriate and acceptable. Women volunteers and visitors should anticipate certain distinctions in what they can and cannot do, as well as how interactions take place in Palestine vs their own country.

We urge our female tourists to adopt the following measures when travelling in Palestine to guarantee a safe and enjoyable trip.

  • Safety At Night: The first precaution is to avoid strolling alone on Hebron’s streets late at night. It is usually safer to walk with someone or take a cab to your location than to walk alone. This is a sensible precaution to take in most places, it probably applies to the majority of countries across the world.
  • Daytime Security: During the day, it is perfectly acceptable to walk alone. Sometimes people along the way may stop and start a conversation with you. They are almost always friendly and usually just curious about you as a foreigner. These spontaneous encounters are excellent opportunities to perhaps learn a little Arabic and see the place from a local’s point of view. The local people of any town or city will be able to advise you where the best places to eat/drink are and will have in-depth knowledge of their hometown. They are most likely to be pleased to see international visitors in Palestine.
  • Social Behaviour: Solo women travellers to Palestine should be aware of the differences in cultural norms in Palestinian culture. This will ensure that you do not attract unwanted  attention, cause offence or put yourself in unnecessary danger.  For example, refrain from physical contact with men, even if it seems innocuous to you, because unrelated men and women in Palestinian culture rarely touch. Try to avoid situations where you are alone with one man you hardly know, or when you are the only woman amongst many men. These situations may feel uncomfortable for you and those around you and this sort of behaviour is not appropriate in Palestine.

Alcohol: Alcohol Is Prohibited For All Salam Palestine Volunteers, Interns, Students And Visitors

The lack of alcohol in Hebron (and other cities, such as Nablus) means that there will never be intoxicated young men wandering the streets. However in Ramallah, this is not the case, and some volunteers have indicated a preference for taking a cab at night.

  • Crime In Hebron: Crime in Hebron is relatively minimal, as it is in most Palestinian cities. The choice to take a cab around places buzzing with bars and clubs, such as Ramallah, is a global reality. The Palestinian Central Bureau of Data maintains the most recent crime statistics, which may be found here.

Where to sit on public transportation: For cultural reasons, ladies in Palestine commute in the backseat of a vehicle. When taking a taxi, we recommend that female tourists sit in the rear seat rather than the front seat near to the driver.

  • What Do Women Wear In Palestine? Palestine is a predominately Muslim country and a lot of Palestinian women choose to wear the hijab and fully cover their bodies. Although this is not required of non-Muslims and international visitors, conservative dress is still expected. An easy way to make your stay in Palestine more pleasant is to dress modestly, avoiding shorts, sleeveless shirts, low-cut tops and anything else that can bring unwelcome attention to oneself. Long sleeved, loose fitting shirts that cover your whole front and back are preferable but t-shirts are also acceptable. Many Muslim women in this country avoid wearing clothing that is too tight. It is not illegal to wear tight clothing but women should be aware that it is not usual. Women who do so might elicit stares and unfavourable attention.

The majority of women here do not wear short-sleeved shirts. We know that this is absolutely appropriate for international ladies, and realize that it would not raise any eyebrows in Western countries. However we ask that female visitors be conscious of the cultural standards that exist here. Shorts are prohibited for both men and women. When you’re alone with your homestay family though, you may wear anything you please. 

If you are a foreigner and do not dress in typical Muslim attire, you will most certainly stick out, and you may notice people gazing at you or strangers attempting to approach you. While these things do occur, they are typically innocuous and should not create concern or make you feel insecure. Most of the time, these discussions take place merely out of curiosity and interest. 

  • Hair: Women are required to cover their hair when visiting a mosque- most mosques will provide a hood or hair covering for you if you do not have one.
  • Homestay With A Host Family: Salam Palestine requires its female participants and guests to stay with homestay families during their time in Hebron. These families are generally fantastic individuals who often make you feel like you’re a member of the family as well. Having a secure location to stay relieves a lot of strain off the female travellers and provides a fantastic opportunity to meet and be introduced to some members of the community. You will almost certainly be invited to various family events, sometimes including weddings and other celebrations.  You will be treated as a member of the family and gain a great insight into Palestinian family life.

Are You Still Not Sure If You Can Travel As A Woman To Palestine? 

Maybe one of our volunteers can help you to make the decision. Our former participants can generally answer questions about their stay in Palestine and tell you about their experiences. We have welcomed many women travellers to Salam Palestine and we do our best to ensure that they have a positive experience. There are lots of organizations and programs which accept women travellers and women are able to take part in a wide range of activities in Palestine.

Palestinians Are Accommodating

Palestinian people are overall accommodating and friendly people. Palestinian host families will welcome you into their home and treat you as a member of the family. Most Palestinians are happy to receive international visitors as it gives them a chance to share their hospitality, introduce you to their favourite foods, music and show you some of the many special places in the area. International visitors are vital to help raise awareness of what life is like in Palestine.

Cultural Differences

You may find that there are some cultural differences between your country of origin and Palestine but with a little understanding, it is easy to feel comfortable and safe. It can be extremely interesting and enlightening to learn about different cultures and traditions. 

Our Advice

If you are a woman visiting the West Bank, Palestine for the first time, we recommend that you follow these basic instructions. Traveling is quite gratifying because it provides the chance to experience something new and fascinating. For female visitors visiting Palestine, there may be instances of what might best be characterized as a cultural clash. While Palestine is an area of the globe that is mostly characterized in the West by unjust preconceptions that are not based on truth, the West, and particularly Western women, are also susceptible to some of these clichés – stereotypes are a fact of life worldwide.

Final Thoughts

Palestinians are often helpful and pleasant. You will be protected and treated with the highest respect. Host families will welcome you into their house and treat you as if you were a part of their family. Regardless of gender, if you are lost or need help finding your way, the people of Palestine will assist you as best they can. If you find yourself in a position that causes you any distress, Salam Palestine’s staff will assist you in resolving the issue and providing any necessary assistance. The conclusion is that being a woman in Palestine should not stop visitors or volunteers from visiting the West Bank. It’s a fantastic chance to immerse yourself in a different culture and learn a new language.

If you should find yourself in a situation that may cause you any discomfort, Salam Palestine’s staff will help you solve the problem and offer any support needed.