Salam Palestine is an exciting and unique opportunity to make a meaningful difference in your own life and the lives of others, try something different and meet interesting people. However if you are reading this page you might be hesitant and wondering if your age will prevent you from engaging in Palestine. Adults of all ages can enjoy Palestine, however there are some important considerations to make if you think your age will be a barrier. Continue reading to find out more.

Too Old To Study Arabic In Palestine?

At Engage in Palestine, we offer intensive Arabic courses aimed at English speakers, in either Modern Standard Arabic or the local dialect. Our intensive Arabic programs are very mentally stimulating, require a lot of focus in class as well as dedicated time for studying and practicing outside of class. This can be quite a challenge no matter your age, particularly if you have never learned Arabic before. In addition to that, you will want to organize your time well and have good time management so you can still have plenty of free time to rest, socialize and enjoy yourself.

We also offer non-intensive Arabic courses which are a less demanding option with only 12 class hours per week. Alternatively, you can participate in one of our volunteer or internship programs that include three hours of Arabic lessons per week, and if you wish to add a few extra hours of Arabic classes, we can arrange this for you at an additional hourly cost. If you feel up to the challenge and have good all-round health, then your age needn’t be a barrier!    

Studying A Foreign Language Benefits Your Brain

Learning a new language has been shown in studies to improve memory, problem solving, and concentration. This is due to the fact that language learning involves the formation of new neural pathways in the brain, which can aid in keeping the brain active and engaged. Our brains can become less active as we age, which can lead to cognitive decline. Learning a foreign language such as Arabic, on the other hand, can help to keep the brain active, engaged and functioning at a high level.

Too Old To Volunteer Or Intern In Palestine?

Engage in Palestine also offers a wide range of short term volunteer and internship programs to interested adults of all ages. As long as you have the ability to engage with our programs successfully, then age shouldn’t be a hindrance. When considering if age is a factor to participate in one of our volunteer or internship opportunities, it is important to understand that each program will have different requirements and activities. So there might be some of our programs which are more suitable for you than others. Our programs are also very flexible and we can tailor them to meet an individual’s needs because we know that our participants have different interests, needs and circumstances.

If you wish to volunteer or intern with us, but have specific age or health related concerns, get in contact with us and we can advise you on your individual situation. 

Too Old To Teach English?

For anyone wishing to volunteer to teach English in Palestine, it is very important to have excellent communication skills, including good hearing and the ability to be able to write on a whiteboard. You will also need to have a sharp mind, the ability to think on your feet, make lesson plans ahead of time and be flexible. These are important qualities and they require you to be physically and mentally healthy, which isn’t necessarily dependent on your age.

Volunteering Has Numerous Health And Social Benefits

Volunteering has been shown in studies to provide numerous benefits for older adults, including improved physical and mental health, increased social engagement, and a stronger sense of purpose. Many older individuals or retirees find that volunteering keeps them active and engaged in their community, and it can even provide opportunities to learn new skills or pursue new interests.

Will Everyone Else Be Younger Than Me?

Our mix of volunteers, interns and students is constantly changing. Sometimes the median age is around 30, other times it is lower or higher. We have hosted participants in their 70s and others who are only 18 years old. If you are worried that everyone else will be much younger than you, we hope that we can ease your concerns. 

We host participants from all ages and we have had many participants make good friends with each other despite significant age gaps. Personality and willingness to engage with others are much more important factors than your age when it comes to making friends and socializing with others. As long as you are friendly and willing to put yourself out there, you won’t have any problems having a wonderful time with our other volunteers, interns and students despite any age differences. 

Navigating Around Hebron

Our volunteers generally make their way around the city of Hebron by walking or taking a taxi where needed. Palestine has several mountainous cities and one of those is Hebron, which means there are lots of hills in the city! So it is important to be physically fit enough to be able to walk uphill and walk around the city. 

The sidewalks in Hebron are not always the best and often they are full of people, which results in many people walking in the road, which is normal here. So sometimes your walk home or to our center can feel a little like an obstacle course in some parts, which is a great way to get some extra exercise as long as you are physically fit enough and have good eyesight. 

Taxis And Public Transportation In Hebron

While it is easy to hail a taxi off the street when you are on a main road in Hebron, you will find that if you live off a main road, you will usually need to walk a few minutes to a main road to get a taxi. There is also no public transportation system of buses, trains, trams or metros in Hebron like there are in many cities around the world. Which means walking in Hebron is inevitable and you will likely spend much of your days on your feet. 

Weather In Hebron

If you have any health or weather-related concerns, there might be times of the year that are more suitable for you to engage in Palestine than other times. 

Salam Palestine In Summer

Our summers (June through September) are usually quite hot and dry and the sun is quite strong in Palestine with a high UV index. So it is important to wear sun protection, keep out of direct sun where possible and stay hydrated. If you think your age or health will be adversely affected by the heat, we recommend engaging in Palestine during cooler weather.

Salam Palestine At Other Times

On the other hand, winters can get quite cold in Hebron. While during the middle of the day the weather is usually warm and sunny or somewhat cold, it gets much colder at night time. Having indoor heating isn’t very common in Hebron and the houses are generally built to keep the heat out. So when you are at home at night, it will likely be quite cold, so make sure you have plenty of warm clothing and layers. 

Depending on your individual circumstances, you might find it easier to engage with us in Palestine in the spring or autumn/fall, when the weather is more temperate. 

Final Thoughts

At Engage in Palestine, we typically set an age limit for our programs at 70 years old, however, we can waive this age limit if approved by our director. If you are older than 70 and wish to engage in Palestine with us, get in touch with us and we can discuss your options. Generally speaking, no one is too old to Engage in Palestine, as long as you have good physical and mental health, which are not necessarily dependent on age. Often the biggest barrier to older individuals Salam Palestine is only their belief that they are too old and worries about how they will fit in with people younger than them. However, after they arrive in Palestine they often only have one regret which is that they didn’t do it sooner.